What sort of help can social services provide?
Some examples of such situations are
- your parents have difficulty taking care of you because, for example, they themselves are feeling bad, they argue a lot, they drink alcohol or take drugs.
- you are doing things that are not good for you or others, for example, you are cutting yourself, skipping school, or you often get angry and involved in fights.
- you do things that are against the law.
- you feel that you always limited by stricter rules than everyone else, you are not allowed to fall in love with whoever you want, or you feel threatened by your family.
There are many other kinds of circumstances as well.
For some children, it’s better for them to live away from home for a period of time. This is called being placed in out-of-home care.
While the child is placed in out-of-home care, the parents need to be given support so that they can function better and the child can move back home.
You can contact social services yourself. You can also contact them together with your parents.
It is not always easy to find social services’ contact details. If you know which municipality (kommun) you live in, you can call the municipality’s telephone exchange and ask to be put through to social services’ department for children and young persons. You can also search for social services’ contact information on the municipality’s website or ask an adult you trust for help.
Will social services contact my parents?
If you are under 18, normally social services must inform your EN Infobubbla vårdnadshavare that social services are in contact with you and also tell them what you and social services have been discussing.
It’s important that you tell social services if you are afraid of what will happen if they talk to your parents. If the situation is very serious, social services have the possibility to protect you without telling your parents where you are.
If you are over 18, your parents will not be informed that you are in contact with social services, nor what has been discussed, unless you give your consent.