I have been placed in out-of-home care
The information on this page is for children and young persons who are living with a (familjehem), in a (HVB), an (SiS) or in (stödboende).
These principles always apply
When you are placed in out-of-home care, it is the responsibility of the adults in the foster family or the staff to take care of you.
You have the same rights as other children, even when you are placed in out-of-home care. For example, you have the right to go to school, to be given treatment if you are ill, and to have someone who listens to you.
If something doesn’t feel right, you can talk to EN Infobubbla soc. They are responsible for your placement and for ensuring that you are fine.
You have a social worker
All children and young persons who are placed in out-of-home care have an appointed social worker at social services. That person will visit you and give you the information you need.
You have the right to talk to your social worker alone. If you prefer, you can take someone else along as support.
Examples of questions you can ask your social worker
- Why are you worried about me?
- Why can’t I live at home?
- How long do I have to stay here?
- What do I do if I’m not happy here?
- When can I see my parents and siblings?
- Are you giving my parents any help?
- Have you planned something that I don’t know about?
- Will other people find out about the things I tell you?
- Who can help me with school?
- What do I do if I feel unwell or get sick?
Seeing family members and close friends
Most children who are placed in out-of-home care can have contact with their parents, siblings and other people who are important in their lives.
There are different ways of being in contact. It could be meeting up in person but it can also be talking via a computer or telephone.
You should speak up if you think it is difficult to see someone in person. Then your social worker can try to arrange things so it will be more in line with your wishes.
If you are not allowed to see your family or other people the way you want to, social services must explain why.
Children who have turned 15 have more say regarding which people they are to see.
You should go to school as usual. However, once you are placed in care, you may need to change schools. In that case, the staff from your old school and the new one should get in touch with each other to ensure a good transition for you.
If you have received extra support at school, your old school should tell the new one what help you have received.
Talk to your social worker or an adult at school if this hasn’t gone as it should.
Information adults have about you
Usually, you have the right to know what the adults who figure in your life write about you. You can ask social services if you want to read the documentation/record they have about you.
If there is something you don’t understand or want to know more about, you should ask.
If you are not feeling well
Everyone can feel bad sometimes. Maybe you aren’t sleeping well, are feeling very depressed or have pain somewhere in your body. Or something else might be bothering you.
Sometimes these things go away on their own. But in other cases, you may need help. That’s why it’s important that you talk to the adults where you live, or with social services.
When you are placed in care, you may visit a doctor or nurse to make sure you are doing alright. This applies even if you don’t feel unwell at the time.
If you are dissatisfied
You should try to talk to the adults in the place where you are staying.
If that does not help or feels awkward, you can phone or write to social services.
Everyone who is placed in care has their own social worker. If you do not know who this is, you can call the municipality authority where you live. Call the municipality authority’s switchboard. Ask to be connected to the social services’ reception unit for children and young people.
You can also search for contact information for social services on the municipality’s website. Or you can ask any adult you trust for help.
IVO (The Health and Social Care Inspectorate) is a government agency that ensures social services do what they are supposed to do to help children and adults.
IVO has a helpline for children and young persons under 21 years. You can call them and ask about your rights or tell them about something that does not feel right. The telephone number is 020-120 06 06.
You can also send an e-mail to IVO at beratta@ivo.se
More about your rights
On IVO’s and SIS’s websites, you can read more information and see films about your rights when you are placed in out-of-home care:
SiS’s special residential home for young people
How is your contact with your social worker?
Click on one of the feelings to get advice on what you can do. Your answer will not be saved nor passed on to social services or anyone else.